Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Top Five List on Steroids

Ok, so me and several of my closest friends have been playing the “top five list” game for a couple of years now. It started out as a way to discuss music. Then it became a way to argue about music. It spread out to many other categories. The longer we did it, the more specialized or obscure the topics became (example: top five bands you would want to play at the memorial concert in honor of your death, or top five eighties movies that played on your Cold War fears [by the way, I hate to do a parenthetical reference inside of a parenthetical reference, but anyone who doesn’t pick Red Dawn as number one in that last category either wasn’t alive during the eighties or was snorting cocaine the entire decade]). Back in the Live Journal days the top five list spread to the blogsphere. Now that Toney Stowers has started posting them to his site I can foresee the top five list spreading even further. I think is should be a show on VH1. Oh, wait a minute, it used to be a show on VH1. I guess it got cancelled because Nick Taylor, Cory Jackson, RobWill, Toney Stowers and I were never invited to appear on the show.

Tonight I feel the need to elevate the top five list to a entirely new therapeutic level. Doing the lists always make me feel a little better, but never quite so much as this one. It is time for me use this honored institution as a vehicle to vent some frustrations.

So without further unnecessary explanation – The Top Five Things that are currently Getting on My Nerves.

#5 Hurricane Coverage – specifically these guys that go out and get right in the middle of the wind and rain so you can see just how bad a hurricane really is. I’m sure the first person who did this won some kind of journalistic award. Now they just come across as morons. Am I the only person that secretly hopes one of these guys gets hit in the head with a street sign? There are people who have no choice whether or not to ride out the storm, occasionally with tragic consequences. We don’t need these guys going out there pretending to be heroic.

#4 Overzealous Sport Fans – I have to careful here, because everyone knows I’m a huge Florida Gator fan. The difference between me and those of whom I speak is simply, I will occasionally acknowledge that are teams that are better than the Gators. I will admit that they occasionally deserve to lose a game or two. I know a guy who believes the Tennessee Volunteers have never lost a game that they didn’t deserve to win. After losing three games last year he was trying to figure out a scenario in which the Vols could still get a piece of the National Championship. I know another guy, who at the slightest mention that a team might have been better than the Steelers, writes a dissertation on why that can’t be true (see “comments” on the last post). As it turns out he’s probably correct, but geez. If he had worked that hard on anything in college he would now be a Nuclear Physicist. And don’t even get me started on fantasy teams. Sports are meant to be fun. If you’ve ever been kicked out of a little league game for yelling at your kid’s coach you might be a little too serious.

#3 Territorial Drivers – The other day I was trying to change lanes on Rt. 60 and three cars sped up so as to NOT let me over. One of them was a member of my church (I don’t know if it is worse if they did or didn’t recognize me). Huntington has more churches than any place I have ever lived. I guess that whole WWJD thing doesn’t apply when you’re behind the wheel.

#2 So called Religious Leaders that call for the assignation of heads of state. Have you heard about this? Every time I see ‘ole Pat on television I want to take out an advertisement with his picture on it saying on behalf of all Christendom, “THIS MAN DOES’T REPRESENT US, he has lost it. Please don’t judge the local church in your neighborhood by what this lunatic says.” Then the next day he said he didn’t mean what it was clear that he had said. I’m not a pacifist. As a matter of fact the modern peace movement in this country drives me almost as batty. I know that war is occasionally necessary but advocating assignation seems to go against one of the Ten Commandments, mainly, Do Not Murder.

And the #1 thing that is currently getting on my nerves – Cats.


Jason Thomas said...

#5, I agree with the Hurricane coverage thing. Last night was the first night I even watched any and that was enough. I have sympathy for the people, but our modern media absolutely smothers you with coverage.

4. WVU and MU fans. I love and support both teams and will attend games at both places this year, but it annoys me that people think they have to dislike one because they like the other. If you don't like WVU or Marshall that is great, but don't hate the player,hate the game.

3. My job. You ever wish you were somewhere else? I think some days I'd rather get up and get kicked in the groin and throw myself down a flight of stairs than go to my current job at the Nitro complaint center, I mean community center.

2. I agree with Tony, Legalism gets on my nerves. I get so tired of hearing church of Christ and Christian church arguments of legalims on both sides of the restoration movement. I just don't even bother having conversations with people if they want to be negative.

1. Sick of people blaming President Bush for everything. It's his fault the sun comes up. I am sure they'll find a way to blame the Hurricane on Him. He's one man, people forget we elect a congress and senate in the 50 states.

RobWill said...
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RobWill said...

#5 HOMEWORK - Its like, when you take graduate classes, the instructors expect that you spend every waking minute thinking about their class. I know, I am in grad school, and I expect a grad school amount of work, but when you want me to log onto a discussion board and make meaningful posts about network protocols...well, lets just say it is not my favorite thing to do.

#4 A few particular co-workers who have been really dropping the ball on their work. This too sounds a bit whiny I suppose, but when I worked their job, I did the work, and got the information, and followed through.

#3 Grass. It just grows too fast with all of this rain. I kid you not, before the big mow this evening, you would have thought I had sown wheat in a few patches.

#2 Merry Brown. Some of you know this woman as the other person involved in the now infamous "Bathroom Incident". She comes to my door, seeing me deep in my work (this is true, no snickering), and says, "Help, my computer isn't acting right!" Oh, pardon me, I thought you worked in IT as well. I guess since it is not in your job description to know how your computer works, you should be taken care of. My reply was a very short, "No! Go get one of the help desk guys, I cannot help you today."

#1 Jalapenos. they find a way to bite you in the butt, literally, the next day. A little reminder of your sins at lunch the day before.

Jason Thomas said...

Tony, that is the mentality of people in our country. If Kerry wouldn't been president, He'd go back and change 9/11 so it wouldn't have happend, gas would be a $1, the cubs would win the world series, there would be 0% unemployment, and the Hurricane would have hit Crawford, TX. (are you picking up on my sarcasim.)

George Welty said...

Thanks for posting CoJack. I felt like a jerk venting in this this way, but it turns out you're the biggest jerk of all.

(insert CoryFace here)

RobWill said...


I must take umbrage at your U2 remarks. They have been doing the "rock and be a Christian thing" for about 25 years now, and doing it well I might add. I submit "War", "The Joshua Tree", "Achtung Baby" and "All that you can't leave behind" as evidences. He may have a too cool for school attitude, but Bono puts his fame to good use for topics such as AIDS in Africa and Thrid World Debt Relief. At least the "too cool" attitude is warranted for being successful for so long, unlike the Scott Stapp reference, who thought he was the stuff right out of the box. Any group that can pull off the Super Bowl performance of 2002, only months after 9-11 and do it so well, is above reproach. Amazing songs, amazing tribute, Bono even quoted a Psalm to himself during that performance, an Irish band in tribute to America. Finally, I submit "One"...possibly one of the best songs ever written.

So, you are wrong on this one...I know your preconceptions of music disallow you to appreciate this band, but in time, you will come to understand that equating this band to Creed *shudder* is like equating Chris Carraba to John Denver.